Miguel Angel Castillo


Miguel A. Castillo

Software Engineer and Machine Learning Enthusiast

Hi, I'm Miguel and I am a programmer, hacker, and problem solver. I love to design and build software. Most of my software development experience is with Java, but you will find me developing and messing around with all sorts of technologies. I am also always up for a challenge and love to solve problems. When I'm not at my computer you can find me playing soccer or getting my hands greasy working on cars.

Current Projects

  • Cloud Code

    A cloud based IDE to allow multiuser editing of code.

Past Projects

  • Twitter Topic Modeling on COVID-19 Tweets with LDA

    On project I used a dataset provided by Kaggle which has tweets that are relevant to Covid-19 and were queried from a set of hashtags. I used this dataset to analyze how twitter users were reacting to the lockdown orders that were happening around the world. I used Google Collaboratory, Python, Machine Learning Python libraries used: TensorFlow, Spacy, NLTK, Pandas, Matplotlib, etc. I also used and experimented with some machine learning algorithms, and they were K-means clustering, LDA, and Neural Networks.

  • Budget Gamification

    This project is to make an educational game as a web application. To help Angelenos understand the complexity and ramification of the Los Angeles Budget and how it impacts their daily lives. Using JavaScript, D3.js, Vue.js

  • Area Visualization

    Implemented the code that is used to create a image visualization from unstructured data read from a LIDAR (Light Detection and Raging) sensor. The API used to construct a model from the area surveyed is the Point Cloud Library using C++.

  • Portfolio Website

    The website is developed using Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, and Javascript. I used the Agency theme from Start BootStrap because it has features that I liked, and I modified the theme to suit my preferences.

  • News App

    Developed an Android mobile application in Java. Used the News API to retrieve a JSON file and SqLite to avoid excessive data usage from the user. Used the Observer pattern for code readibility, modularity, and for future modification.Github link.

  • Project PANTS

    Project PANTS is a mobile application developed in Android Studio using Java. Used the Google Firebase API to allow the application to have a real-time database access. I learned how to implement an API to an Android application that allows for user registration, login, and search. I also implemented a real-time messaging platform to allow users to communicate. Github link.


  • August 2019-May 2020

    Los Angeles County Public Defender

    I worked on a project that would be an extension to their Client Case Management System (CCMS) in which it will be using machine learning and artificial intelligence to have face detection, speech-to-text, and topic construction on videos. Current in use: AWS Lambda, Microsoft Azure Video Indexer, and Box Skills they are all implemented using Node.js. These were all finalized by having them setup with Serverless for easy installation.



  • California State University, Los Angeles

    Coursework in Algorithms, Data Structures, Cryptography, Software Engineering, Programming Languages, Databases, and Operating Systems.

Contact Me

Primary form of contact is email, and I am also on these platforms.